Collection: Dab Rigs | Best Dab Rigs for Sale

Dab Rig Choosing Technique

Whether you’re new to dabbing or have enjoyed the pastime for years now, there are several important things to consider when choosing a new dab rig (also known as wax rigs) to add to your collection. Depending on whether you prefer smoother hits, low prices, or portability, we offer a huge variety of options to choose from!

Always keep size, capacity, and material in mind when you’re checking out potential best dab rigs to purchase in the best online headshop by Hemperco. Smaller sizes lend themselves to easier travel, while larger pieces can be customized and have additional pieces and percolators for smooth smoking. We also carry the finest quartz bangers for your dab rig. The capacity of a piece will determine how much concentrate you... Read More

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