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Hemper vs. Cannabox

by Christy Coy 5 min read

Hemper vs. Cannabox

Hemper Vs. Cannabox

Subscription boxes offer you an extra buzz from your bud. One discreet and convenient package provides the promise of exciting new products to try—at least, according to the companies providing them.

Do they deliver? How do the brands compare against one another? In this Hemper vs. Cannabox review, we'll see two top companies facing off against each other. 

We've looked at the offerings from both sources and considered the following angles: 

  • What you get: Sometimes subscription boxes are a hit-and-miss affair. Does the company carefully select its products, or is the box a mish-mash of items you don't use? In determining value, we had to consider utility and the product mix.
  • Price: The monthly cost is another huge consideration.  How affordable are the options? Do the products inside warrant the price tag? 
  • Quality: Anyone can throw together a bunch of cut-price mass-produced garbage. You can easily find rigs that cost under $15, but do you want them? Quality items cost a little more but last far longer.
  • Filler Items: A common marketing tactic is to throw in cheap extras to add to the perceived value. Cheap tricks do not fool us – we looked for real value for the money.  

You'll notice that this review is slightly different from the others on our site. That's because Cannabox operates somewhat differently from everyone else.

    Hemper vs. Cannabox in a Winner-Takes-All Fight


    Hemper has always focused on providing value for its clients. The extensive range of high-quality accessories attests to that. Hemper relies on useful, well-manufactured products rather than cheap gimmicks. 

    You'll find the odd custom sticker in Hemper boxes, but it's the goodies that wow clients. The buyers are always looking out for unique items that will delight customers. 

    Hemper provides customers with a unique, customizable subscription. You decide when you want your boxes to arrive. Clients may opt for one package a month, or one a year, as it suits them.

    Hemper offers three subscription levels: 

    • Core at $9.99 per month
    • Pack at $21.99 per month
    • Box at $39.99 per month

    The price includes shipping if you're in the United States.

    Recently, they've also started carrying a wide variety ofvape pens. 

    If you’re looking for smoking accessories that you literally won’t find anywhere else, Hemper may be the right choice. 

    The Hemper Core Box

    The basic pack includes six essential items:

    The Core option provides everything the casual smoker needs, rolled into a high-value bundle. The cheapest package at Cannabox is triple the price and is overkill if you just need to light up once in a while.

    The Hemper Pack

    The Pack is for the slightly more advanced smoker. It includes one glass item a month to help you build a quality collection. Each month features a different theme to make things more fun. You'll receive at least ten items. 

    The company works in collaboration with top suppliers to create custom items. The Pack is one of the most popular options and provides a good blend of luxury and essential items.

    In comparison, Cannabox's prices are a little higher and only include around six items. The company usually has munchies as one of the items, so Hemper's range provides better value for the money. 



    The Hemper Box

    Hemper's premium pack combines essentials and some remarkably innovative, themed glass products.  You'll find that one or two items in the box will retail for more than the monthly subscription. What sets this offer apart is that it gives you a chance to access previous fan favorites not available in the store.

    The Cannabox subscription cost, in comparison, comes in a little lower, but there's not a lot of value. If you check the past boxes in the shop, they're underwhelming. They typically have one glass item, a t-shirt, some essentials, and stickers. 

    Other comparisons: Hemper vs. Daily High Club


    Cannabox has some innovative monthly themes. Most of the in-house rigs are cute and charming. The brand is clearly trying to inject some fun into their brand.

    Whether it succeeds or not is open to debate. While we appreciate the creativity, the execution needs a fair amount of work. The six to eight products usually include a cheap t-shirt and, in some cases, granola bars. 

    The rigs look like they're of decent quality. From there, things go downhill. The shirts don't quite deliver. The company has come up with a few witty sayings, but the design leaves much to be desired. The quality looks suspect.

    The company refuses to give hints about upcoming themes or what each new box will contain. It does this to ensure that nothing ruins the surprise. While suspense is an effective marketing tactic, most people want some idea of what they'll get. 

    At a $30+ a month price point, we expect a little more. 

    Knowledge Check: Best Bong Accessories

    As for the subscription boxes, we appreciate that Cannabox keeps things simple. The e-commerce page leaves us a little confused, however. If you look at the top of the page, it says that subscriptions start at $13.99. 

    The company says you have two choices – Essentials or Cannabox OG. When you try to subscribe, however, the only alternative is the length of your subscription.

    You may select: 

    • A once-off delivery for $35.99
    • A monthly subscription of $30.99
    • A three-months subscription at the reduced rate of $29.99 a month
    • A six-month subscription at $28.99 a month

    It seems that the Cannabox website is a little out of date, which doesn't bode well for customer service. 

    The Verdict: Hemper vs. Cannabox

    In the final analysis, it's hard to beat the value you get at Hemper. Cannabox appears to try hard, but the company doesn't seem to focus on the details that matter. 

    Cannabox has a creative team, but they don't seem to reach their full potential. Their limited product range, poorly curated items, and confusing website point to a company that's experiencing difficulties.

    During these tough economic times, that's not a crime. It may even be an unfair assumption. However, you have to wonder if the lack of attention to detail has impacted the quality of the items.

    Hemper provides a far more comprehensive range of products that smokers need. The premium box contains products with a value of $100. Can Cannabox make the same claim?

    Why take the chance? Check out the range of subscription boxes atHemper and ensure that you have a great smoking experience. 

    Why not create some unboxing magic for yourself by checking out the stock at Hemper and their Online Smoke Shop.

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    What's In the Box?

    $100+ Value For Only $39.99

    1 NEW Premium Glass Bong
    1 NEW Premium Glass Bong
    9+ Premium Smoking Accessories
    9+ Premium Smoking Accessories

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    Monthly, Every 2 or 3 Months

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