How Using Hemp Wick is Healthier
Better than butane, and environmentally friendly, what’s not to love about hemp wicks? But those are just the tip of the wick as it were when it comes to the potential benefits of switching to a hemp wick from your usual butane lighter.
Whether you’ve heard of a hemp wick of not, there are plenty of reasons to give it a try.
Read on to discover the many benefits of making the switch!
What is Hemp Wick?
Hemp wicks are a type of thin string that is made of, you guessed it: hemp (a variety of the Cannabis plant). These wicks also commonly use beeswax to control the burn rate, also known as a beeswax hemp wick, and can be found here.
A hemp wick is a natural product and has become a very popular alternative to Butane lighters, largely due to the dangers associated with Butane inhalation, but also for it’s pure burn and ability to enhance flavor.
Hemp has been used for many years as a source of food, clothing and in skincare products and is thought to have many health benefits. Hemp does not produce a high.
If you’re purchasing this product for the first time, you may want to start out with a short strand to see how you get on. Alternatively, you can purchase a whole ball, which typically looks like a ball of yarn.
How Does A Hemp Wick Work?
Normal Hemp burns much too fast to use as a wick, so the Hemp spool is coated with honey, which slows the burn rate and makes it a great way to light a glass bowl or joint. In fact, some bowls or bongs even come with features which enable you to wrap the wick around whilst smoking, meaning there’s always some at hand when you need it.
How Do I Use A Hemp Wick?
Hemp wicks are easy to work with due to their compact design and flexibility, which allows you to manipulate it easily into any form you need. There are a number of creative ways to really make the most out of your wick, including creative ways to light, store and hold it. Be aware that some hemp wicks can burn quickly, so it is important to get the right length of the string from the get-go. Our suggestion is to give a small bit of wick a “test run” to get an idea of what you’ll need when smoking up.
It’s also a good idea to wrap some hemp wick around your lighter. This way you’ll also have it on hand right when you need it. Because while you won’t be using your lighter to smoke, you will need it to light the wick. Keeping the two together just makes sense, like peanut butter and jelly, allowing you to have everything you need conveniently in one hand.
Begin by taking a strand and wrapping it tightly around your lighter, starting at the base and twisting it around the lighter until you reach the top. The beeswax coating will keep the wick in place and you’ll be able to easily place the end into the flame when lighting your bowl or bong.
You can also use a lighter extension, which is inserted or attached on a normal lighter, coming equipped with a convenient compartment to store the wick. This isn’t entirely necessary, but is a great alternative for those who don’t want to wrap the wick around the lighter or carry around a second baggie or container.
If you want to leave out the butane lighter all together, you could keep a candle burning nearby and light your hemp with from the natural flame source. You can even use hemp wick to make candles!
You could even make your own hemp wick dispenser using a small, fireproof container such as a mason jar. Poke a hole through the lid of your jar, put the spool inside, thread it through the hole et voila!
Why Choose a Hemp Wick Over A Lighter?
Hemp wick is a flavorful, convenient, portable and authentic way to smoke. Amongst the reasons for people choosing to smoke using a hemp wick is the fact that people find it offers a smoother hit, as the Hemp Wick burns at a lower temperature than a butane lighter, which allows them to experience and enjoy the full flavor of the herb they are smoking.
Once you get the hang of using a Hemp wick, it can offer a much more relaxing smoking experience too. In fact, some weed connoisseurs refuse to smoke with anything else.
A Healthier Alternative
Hemp Wick offers up a healthier alternative to a butane lighter, which can fill your lungs with noxious butane chemicals, leading to serious health issues and even death. In fact, the long-term health risks of using butane regularly are well known, and is one of the many reasons cigar aficionados often swap butane out for cedar wood to light their favorite stogies.
Yet despite the risks, cannabis smokers world-wide light up with butane using everything from fancy torches to cheap Bic lighters.
A More Flavorful Experience (it’s all about the temperature folks)
Not only is a hemp wick longer lasting than butane lighters, and much better for the environment (they are biodegradable), this simple accessory can also greatly improve the flavor of your next toke.
See, butane often burns so hot that it destroys a number of the terpenes found in cannabis. Not only are these terpenes responsible for the characteristic aroma (which aids in the flavor), they also act synergistically with other cannabinoids such as THC and CBD to provide greater medicinal qualities and an overall better “high”.
Cost Effective
Hemp Wicks are usually much cheaper than having to constantly replace cheap lighters that burn out, break or get lost. This is especially true when purchased in bulk and used regularly. And for those that like a DIY project, there are not all that difficult to make right at home.
Where Can I Buy Hemp Wick?
With the passing of the Farm Bill in late 2018, hemp products are more readily available than ever before. From your local headshop to big box retailers, the options are endless.
But if quality hemp products at an affordable price are what you’re after, give our store a look. Hemper carries a broad range of smoking accessories, devices and tools for almost any need. And if you don’t see what you’re looking for, just ask.